

This blog is a place to chat from a Christian perspective about a variety of topics.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

REASONS TO LOVE SUMMER (Strawberry pie recipe)

Strawberry pie.  There's a reason to love summer.  And the best strawberry pie in my neck of the woods can be found at the annual "Hill Church" strawberry festival near Berrysburg, PA.  You have to get there early if you want a pie.  They were flying off the table as fast as workers could replace them today.  But at some point there are no more pies to replace the disappearing ones and people walk away very disappointed.

Strawberries are one of the best things about summer.  This year I made sure that we can enjoy them year round.  My freezer shelves are stocked with jam and strawberries for summer smoothies and daiquiris.  I also made jars of regular strawberry preserves (below) which I eat straight from the jar it's so scrumptious.  There's nothing like a fresh sweet strawberry and the season is at its peak right now in Pennsylvania.  Don't miss it!

And here's a recipe for strawberry pie that my sister-in-law gave me.  She said it was delicious. 

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